Round the prices of all products in a few clicks By Store Commander subtitlesSubtitles arrow_drop_downarrow_drop_down START timer2 min Tutorial Modules Learn how to round the prices of all products in a few clicks with the Store Commander mass edition //> //<! Free
Schedule promotions quickly By Store Commander subtitlesSubtitles arrow_drop_downarrow_drop_down START timer2 min Tutorial Modules Learn how to plan promotions quickly, using the dedicated feature of Store Commander Free
Demystifying PrestaShop's Symfony Grid By Laurent N'daw location_onOnline or in person arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up EXPERT timer2 days min Live workshop Backend development 🚀 This two-day training is aimed at developers wishing to understand and master the use and customization of Symfony Grids in the PrestaShop CMS. 🛠️ At the end of this training, you... €1,200.00 tax excl.
Monthly PrestaShop Academy Subscription By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over Exclusive tutorial E-commerce 📹 Access dozens of advanced voiceover videos 🎙️ to help you control and optimize your PrestaShop store. 🛍️ Benefit from access to a training shop 🏗️ to test your learning in real... Subscription
Annual PrestaShop Academy Subscription By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over Exclusive tutorial E-commerce 📹 Access dozens of advanced voiceover videos 🎙️ to help you control and optimize your PrestaShop store. 🛍️ Benefit from access to a training shop 🏗️ to test your learning in real... Subscription
PrestaShop training shop: Learn, test and... By PrestaShop check_circle location_onOnline or in person arrow_drop_downarrow_drop_down START Live workshop Building your store 🚀 Quickly and easily access a PrestaShop training store in a secure environment 🔒 with no constraints. 💡 Perfect for exploring the solution, learning, testing… 🛍️📚 €10.00 tax excl.
After-sales service By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_downarrow_drop_down START timer11 min Live workshop E-commerce Manage customer service well. €59.00 tax excl.
The basics of JavaScript By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer15 min Exclusive tutorial Technical basics Master the basics of JavaScript to bring your PrestaShop store to life. Learn how to manipulate HTML elements, handle events, and interact with users. This step-by-step tutorial is... For subscribers only
The WEBP image format By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer8 min Exclusive tutorial Technical basics WebP is perfect for modern websites. It combines quality and efficiency, reducing page load times and enhancing the user experience. For subscribers only
1 Click Upgrade By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer8 min Exclusive tutorial Technical basics The PrestaShop 1-Click Upgrade module lets you update your store with a single click. Save time, secure your data, and enjoy the latest features. For subscribers only
Discovering CSS By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer22 min Exclusive tutorial Frontend development CSS enables you to style and personalize your web pages. With this language, control colors, fonts, margins, and bring your designs to life. For subscribers only
Spot accessibility issues (Free preview) By PrestaShop check_circle subtitlesSubtitles arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer6 min Tutorial SEO Learn how to spot accessibility issues on your site at a glance. Free
Discovering HTML By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer12 min Exclusive tutorial Frontend development HTML is the foundation of every website. This language lets you structure your pages, add text, images, and links to create rich content. For subscribers only
Cross-selling By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer4 min Exclusive tutorial Catalog Cross-selling boosts cart value by offering complementary products. Discover how to effectively integrate this strategy into your online store. For subscribers only
Google Analytics By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer8 min Exclusive tutorial Modules The Google Analytics module for PrestaShop helps you analyze your store’s traffic. Gain insights to optimize sales and improve your site’s performance. For subscribers only
PrestaShop marketing with Google By PrestaShop check_circle subtitlesSubtitles arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer7 min Tutorial Modules How to use the PrestaShop marketing with Google module Free
Create product packs By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer5 min Exclusive tutorial Discounts Product packs allow you to offer advantageous bundle deals. Learn how to create them to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. For subscribers only
Show a popup for cookies By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer8 min Exclusive tutorial Modules A cookie popup is essential for legal compliance. Discover how to integrate it into your website and clearly inform your visitors. For subscribers only
Cache and debug mode By PrestaShop check_circle record_voice_overVoice over arrow_drop_uparrow_drop_up MEDIUM timer10 min Exclusive tutorial Advanced mastering Cache and debug mode are essential tools for PrestaShop. Speed up your store and troubleshoot errors quickly with these powerful features. For subscribers only